Are you moving to a new city? Read this before choosing your new neighbourhood.

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When you move to a new city, there are a million things to consider. Will your family settle well in their new home? Will you find good schools, great amenities and fun things to do close to home? As the old saying goes, "knowledge is power" and the best way to put these worries to rest is to do as much research as possible into not just the city, but the specific neighbourhood you're considering making your new home. Jawitz Properties has made the process easy by putting together this real guide to choosing the right neighbourhood in your new city - even if you're not in the city yet.

Look at the cost of living: Real estate prices and other expenses

The very first step to choosing the right neighbourhood is taking a reality check. What can you afford? If you're going to be renting your home, check rental listings in the neighbourhood you're interested in to see if the prices are within your budget. If you're looking to buy a home, getting prequalified for a home loan and using Jawitz Properties' helpful calculators will give you a clear indication of what you can afford. It is extremely important to consider the other expenses that come with prospective homes in the area. Depending on your circumstances, these could include estate levies, fees at local schools, municipal rates and/or local sports club fees, to name just a few.

Knowledge is power: do your homework

By taking the time to read this guide, you're already on the right track! But now it's time to get specific about the area you're thinking of calling your new home. Social media is a great place to start. Many areas have Facebook groups that you can request to join - and many of these will allow you access even if you don't yet live in the area. The content in these groups will give you a good idea of what the area is like, what activities take place in the area and whether you'll fit in well with your prospective neighbours.

If you're going to be buying your new home, you'll also need to research recent sales in the area, annual sales counts for all property types and price trends pertinent to the area. This is where a property practitioner will be able to help and guide you with their area knowledge. Contacting the Jawitz Properties team comes with no obligations and a local area expert who specialises in your prospective neighbourhood will be glad to share their wealth of knowledge.

Consider your commutes: Access to work and amenities

If you're moving to a new city for a job, one of the first things you'll need to consider is proximity to your new workplace. If you fall in love with a quiet neighbourhood from which you will have to spend two hours in traffic every day, you may want to reconsider and look for a home closer to your new workplace.

If your workplace isn't a factor, amenities like schools, sports clubs, beaches, shopping centres or a gym might be high on your list of priorities. Make sure you choose an area that suits your lifestyle so that you spend more time doing the things you love and less time sitting in traffic.

Four quick questions to ask yourself to see if you're making the right decision

  1. Does the community ambience suit my family?
    If your family appreciates peace and quiet, the neighbourhood you choose should offer this. Conversely, if you enjoy the buzz of city life, a vibrant neighbourhood will be better suited to your needs.
  2. Will the area be a convenient home for us?
    Ask yourself if the schools, shopping centres, medical facilities and entertainment on offer will meet your needs.
  3. Does the area feel safe?
    If possible, investigate local crime statistics and make sure that you will feel safe in your new home.
  4. What are the future plans for this area?
    Are there plans for future development that could impact the neighbourhood's ambience or property values in the area?

Once you have created a shortlist of the neighbourhoods you're interested in, the best thing to do is run through the list with an experienced property practitioner and let them know what's on your list of requirements. The Jawitz Properties team has the knowledge and experience to help you find the right neighbourhood in any South African town or city. Get in touch today and let's find your new home.

Author: Jawitz Properties

Submitted 24 Feb 25 / Views 1509