Clint Southwood
Southern Suburbs
Property Practitioner
Registered with the PPRA FFC 0117022
M: 082 497 4878
T: (021) 7945500

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I have specialised in sectional title in the Claremont and Kenilworth areas since 2003.

I am a full time qualified Estate Agent, and have been with Jawitz since its inception in Cape Town.

My success in these areas has come from understanding the complexes, pricing and both sellers and buyers alike.

One of my other passions are developments, in which I have been involved with over the years.

Through tough times and good times, properties in my areas have stood the best of times, and have remained a good investment.


Client Testimonials

Thank you for selling our flat in such a timely manner. I knew that you would sell the flat because you were to the point. What I didn't know, is that it would sell so quickly. The rate at which you were bringing the potential buyers to me, was outstanding. Thanks for all your dedication and making our dream a reality. 
Sven and Tara

My Success